Umbrella wrappers are used to keep your shop floor clean and free of spills so that customers and employees will not slip or fall. Umbrella wrappers, after the up-front cost, have little monthly cost. The bags needed to restock umbrella wrappers have negligible cost.
Depending on your type of business, umbrella wrappers can be left near an entrance permanently or umbrella wrappers can be removed from a storeroom.
If a customer has a wet umbrella, they simply place their umbrella in either the short or long umbrella slot. Their umbrella will not drip liquid to the floor. Umbrella wrappers are extremely popular in Asia and a rapidly growing market in the UK, with the potential to limit slips and falls.
Umbrella wrappers are small, sleek and stylish. Umbrella wrappers are extremely useful. Umbrella wrappers are cheap, easy to maintain and do not need a dedicated employee to supervise their use.
To view our range please 'click here' or to read our Umbrella Wrapper Blog please 'click here'.